Faculty of Economics and Business Administration  --  Institutes  --  Institute of Finance and International Economic Relations  --  Finance

Dr. Gábor Dávid Kiss PhD - scientific curruculum vitae

CV (Hungarian)


Publications - MTMT

Publications - SSRN

Publications - WoS


Personal data:

Research interests:

  • Qualitative and quantitative easing monetary policy and its impact on currency stability
  • Financial contagions on extreme days on the Czech, Hungarian and Polish bond, stock and currency markets – estimating dynamic conditional correlations and GARCH models with Matlab (PhD thesis)
  • Financial literacy of Hungarian teenagers (Econventio-SZTE GTK research group since 2010)

Courses taught:

  • International finance - HU/EN (MA, BA levels)
  • Introduction to finance - EN (BA level)
  • Investments 2 (with Matlab) – HU (MA level)
  • Time series analysis (with Matlab) – HU (MA level)
  • International financial Management - HU (MA level)
  • Complexity of the capital markets – HU/EN (BA level)
  • Economic and monetary union – HU/EN (BA level)
  • Corporate finance – HU (BA level)



  • 2007-2010
    University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Doctoral School, Economics Program, World Economy and International Finances Specialisation
  • 2002-2007
    University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, specialised in Finance and Economic Psychology
  • 1994-2002
    Táncsics Mihály High School and Secondary Technical School, Orosháza

Language skills:

  • English: C1 (business)
  • German: B2 (business)

Work experience:

  • 2010-2012
    Assistant lecturer, University of Szeged – Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
  • 2007–2010
    PhD student, University of Szeged – Doctoral School in Economics
  • 2007-2007
    Project assistant, Innov Hungaricum Kft.
  • 2004-2007
    Trainee, Szeged Centre for Security Policy

Project experiences:

  • 2010-
    SZTE GTK-Econventio research group to study financial literacy of Hungarian teenagers (financed by TÁMOP 4.2.1/B-09/1/KONV-2010-0005)
  • 2010-2013
    International Week (organizer)
    Leonardo project HU/02/PL/215 "Practice of personal consultancy in the EU"
  • 2010-2012
    The role of the state under current crisis project
    "Crisis definition trough daily extreme jumps in market benchmarks”
    “Crisis and monetary policy in East-Central Europe"
    (financed by TÁMOP 4.2.1/B-09/1/KONV-2010-0005)
  • 2011
    "Factors of Asian and European regional airport development, lessons for East-Central Europe"
    (joint research with Beata Udvari, financed by GOP-1.1.2-07/1-2008-0007)

Foreign experiences:


  • 2008 Budapest Stock Exchange - Kochmeister Competition
    3rd place - "Diversification of the complex capital markets - the impact of human factor on capital markets” (joint research with Peter Kuba)
  • 2008 Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Academic Committee of Szeged
    1st place - "Russian pension reform and reserves”
  • 2007 Budapest Stock Exchange - Kochmeister Competition
    3rd place - "The risk of security - the complex approach structured investment funds” (joint research with Vajda Beáta)
  • 2007 National Scientific Students' Conference
    1st place and Zoltán Magyary Award - "The welfare state, such as optimal social trust”
    1st place - "The risk of security - a complex approach to structured funds” (joint research with Vajda Beáta)
  • 2007 Hungarian Patent Office
  • 2007 Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Academic Committee of Szeged
    1st place - "The military aspects of moral"
    (joint research with Gergely Farkas, Ferenc Polyák)
  • 2006 Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Academic Committee of Szeged
    2nd place "The welfare state, such as optimal social trust”

Computer skills and competences:

  • good command of Matlab, SPSS, Gretl, Jmulti4, MS Office tools (World, Excel, Power Point)

Driving licence:

  • Category B (Hungary)


  • tour-cycling, volunteer jobs for civil organizations (Hungarian Cyclist Club, organizer of Critical Mass Szeged)