Qualitative and quantitative easing monetary policy and its impact on currency stability
Financial contagions on extreme days on the Czech, Hungarian and Polish bond, stock and currency markets – estimating dynamic conditional correlations and GARCH models with Matlab (PhD thesis)
Financial literacy of Hungarian teenagers (Econventio-SZTE GTK research group since 2010)
June 2007
MA in economics, specialised in Finance and Economic Psychology
University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Doctoral School, Economics Program, World Economy and International Finances Specialisation
University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, specialised in Finance and Economic Psychology
Táncsics Mihály High School and Secondary Technical School, Orosháza
Language skills:
English: C1 (business)
German: B2 (business)
Work experience:
2010-2012 Assistant lecturer, University of Szeged – Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
PhD student, University of Szeged – Doctoral School in Economics
Trainee, Szeged Centre for Security Policy
Project experiences:
2010- SZTE GTK-Econventio research group to study financial literacy of Hungarian teenagers (financed by TÁMOP 4.2.1/B-09/1/KONV-2010-0005)
International Week (organizer)
Leonardo project HU/02/PL/215 "Practice of personal consultancy in the EU"
The role of the state under current crisis project "Crisis definition trough daily extreme jumps in market benchmarks” “Crisis and monetary policy in East-Central Europe"
(financed by TÁMOP 4.2.1/B-09/1/KONV-2010-0005)
"Factors of Asian and European regional airport development, lessons for East-Central Europe"
(joint research with Beata Udvari, financed by GOP-1.1.2-07/1-2008-0007)
2012 Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oulu, FI)
Erasmus teaching mobility (“Practical consequences of monetary autonomy”, “How to model a rail freighter company?") (1 week)
2012 Kobe University - EUIJ Kansai (Kobe, JP)
young researcher programme (2 weeks)
2011 Center of Excellence in Finace (Ljubljana, SLO)
„Financial Stability Reports: Design and Effectiveness” workshop (1 week)
2010 Nicolaus Coppernicus University (Torun, PL)
Erasmus teaching mobility (“Modeling capital markets”, “Russian Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs)“ (1 week)
2008 Budapest Stock Exchange - Kochmeister Competition
3rd place - "Diversification of the complex capital markets - the impact of human factor on capital markets” (joint research with Peter Kuba)
2008 Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Academic Committee of Szeged
1st place - "Russian pension reform and reserves”
2007 Budapest Stock Exchange - Kochmeister Competition
3rd place - "The risk of security - the complex approach structured investment funds” (joint research with Vajda Beáta)
2007 National Scientific Students' Conference
1st place and Zoltán Magyary Award - "The welfare state, such as optimal social trust”
1st place - "The risk of security - a complex approach to structured funds” (joint research with Vajda Beáta)
2007 Hungarian Patent Office
2007 Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Academic Committee of Szeged
1st place - "The military aspects of moral"
(joint research with Gergely Farkas, Ferenc Polyák)
2006 Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Academic Committee of Szeged
2nd place "The welfare state, such as optimal social trust”
Computer skills and competences:
good command of Matlab, SPSS, Gretl, Jmulti4, MS Office tools (World, Excel, Power Point)
Driving licence:
Category B (Hungary)
tour-cycling, volunteer jobs for civil organizations (Hungarian Cyclist Club, organizer of Critical Mass Szeged)