Faculty of Economics and Business Administration  --  Training Programmes  --  Programmes for International Students  --  International Economy and Business Master Programme  --  Teaching staff

International Economy and Business Master Programme

Teaching staff

BAJMÓCY Zoltán associate professor, economist specialized in small- and medium-sized enterprise development. Academic degree: PhD (Economics). Teaching activity: Regional Innovation Policy, Local Economic Development, Innovation in Practice, Introduction to Local Economic Development, Local Economic Development.

BÁNHELYI Balázs assistant professor, MSc Degree in Computer Science. Academic degree: PhD (Informatics). Teaching activity: Operation Research, Databases, Approximative and Symbolic Computing, Introduction to Informatics I-II, Programing languages, System Development, Economic Informatics, Modelling in MATLAB.

BLUTMAN László professor, lawyer. Academic degree: PhD (State- and Law Science). Teaching activity: International Law, European Law, Law of Internal Market, Protection of Human Rights in Europe, Diplomatic and consular law.

CSANÁDI Mária professor, economist. Academic degree: Doctor of Sciences Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Teaching activity: Structure and operation of communist systems with focus on China and Russia, Spatial disparities of system transformation in China, Political transformation in party-states: a theoretical approach, Spatial disparities of system transformation in China.

FARKAS Beáta professor, lawyer, economist. Academic degree: CSc (Economics). Teaching activity: History of Economic Thought, Business Ethics, Comparative Economics, Cohesion Policy of the EU, Trends and Regions in Global Economy, International Political Economy, Globalization and Development.

FEJES Zsuzsanna associate professor, lawyer. Academic degree: PhD (State- and Law Science). Teaching activity: European Politics; Multi-level Governance and European Cooperation – Graduate School, Theory of the State, Introduction to the Theory of the State; Political Science, Cross-border Co-operations in Europe and in Hungary, Democracy and multi-level governance in the EU. National University of Public Administration:State- and Law Theory, Constitutional Law.

HAJDÚ József professor, MA in Law, lawyer specialized in Social Security Law. Academic degree: PhD in Law, academic title: dr. habil (State- and Law Science). Teaching activity: Introduction to law, European Social Security Law (TRESS Project Seminar) EU Commission (Gent University, Gent, Belgium), Social Law in the EU, Social Security Coordination, Labour and social law, Labour law, International and European Labour Law, Social Security Law.

HETESI Erzsébet professor, MSC in Economist. Academic degree: PhD (Business and Management), academic title: dr. habil. Teaching activity: Marketing, Market Research, Economic Sociology, Service Marketing.

KARSAI Krisztina professor, lawyer. Academic degree: PhD (State- and Law Science). Teaching activity: Hungarian Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, European Criminal Law, Rhetoric, German Legal Terminology, European Criminal Law.

KOSZTOPULOSZ Andreász associate professor, economist specialized in finance and computer programming. Academic degree: PhD (Economics). Teaching activity: Corporate Finance, Financial Management, International Financial Management, Securities on Capital Markets, Financing Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Financial Calculations with Excel, Introduction to Finance.

KOTOSZ Balázs associate professor, economist. Academic degree: PhD (Economics). Teaching activity: Micro- and Macroeconomics, Econometrics, Statistics, Accounting.

KOVÁCS Árpád professor, construction engineer specialized in transportation, organizing engineer. Academic degree: PhD (Economics), academic title: dr. habil (Economics). Teaching activity: Public Funds and their auditing, Budget Relations, Public Finance, Management.

KOVÁCS Péter professor, construction engineer specialized in transportation, organizing engineer. Academic degree: PhD (Economics), academic title: dr. habil (Economics). Teaching activity: Public Funds and their auditing, Budget Relations, Public Finance, Management.

MÁLOVICS Éva associate professor, economist. Academic degree: PhD (Psychology). Teaching activity: Organizational Behaviour, Cultural Approach to Organizations, Organizational Psychology, Human Resource Management, Trainings, Risk Communication.

PARROTT Jeremy assistant professor, MA in French, PGCE inTESOL. Academic degree: PhD (English). Teaching activity: English language and Hungarian-English translation, in English literature, teacher training, , ELT methodology, applied linguistics, British studies.

PELLE Anita associate professor, economist specialized in European integration. Academic degree: PhD (Economics). Teaching activity: Economics of the European Union / Economics of Integration , Economic Institutions of the European States , Economic and Monetary Union European Strategic Management (in English), Environmental Policy of the European Union (in Hungarian and in English), Research and Development in the European Union, Management of EU-funded Projects, Economics of Germany from 1918 until Today , Competition Regulation in the European Union, European Business Environment , The Central Eastern European Business Environment, The Competition, Trade, and Industrial Policies of the EU.

RÉVÉSZ Balázs associate professor, economist specialized in non-profit management. Academic degree: PhD (Business and Management). Teaching activity: Business marketing, Basic Marketing, Marketing of Small and Medium-sized enterprises, Marketing Communications, Consumption Theory, Integrated Marketing Communications, IT in marketing , Marketing Channels.

VILMÁNYI Márton associate professor, economist specialized in non-profit management. Academic degree: PhD, Business and Management, Teaching activity: Human resource management, Strategic management, Business planning, Business relationship management, Management of non-business institutions.

VOSZKA Éva professor, MSc in Economics, MA in Sociology, academic degree: PhD (Economics). Academic title: Doctor of Sciences. Teaching activity: The state’s role in shaping conditions for competition, Privatization and competition, Chapters from economic policy, The new institutional structure of the Hungarian capitalism.

ZÖLDRÉTI Attila associate professor, MSc in Economics. Academic degree: PhD (Economics). Teaching activity: Enterprise Risk Management, Advanced Corporate Finance, Strategic Investment.
