Faculty of Economics and Business Administration  --  Research Centre

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Research Centre

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Research Centre was founded in 2013 in order to facilitate the management of the research projects of the Faculty. The Research Centre is independent of the institutes and is supervised by the Dean. Current members of the Research Centre work in close cooperation with:

Full time members of the Research Centre:

Bajmócy, Zoltán, PhD, associate professor
Consulting hours: Tuesday 09.00-10.00 room 408
Phone: +36 / 62 / 546-926 or +36 / 62 / 544-000/6926
E-mail: bajmocyz@eco.u-szeged.hu

Málovics, György, PhD, associate professor
Consulting hours: Tuesday 09.00-10.00 room 408
Phone: +36 / 62 / 546-926 or +36 / 62 / 544-000/6926
E-mail: malovics.gyorgy@eco.u-szeged.hu

Gébert, Judit, research fellow
Consulting hours: Tuesday 09.00-10.00 room 408
Phone: +36 / 62 / 546-926 or +36 / 62 / 544-000/6926
E-mail: gebert.judit@eco.u-szeged.hu

Websites of research projects:

OTKA K-109425: The Foundation of Local Economic Development on the Basis of the Capability Approach
HAS Bolyai Scholarship: Regional innovation policy in the capability approach

Selected recent publications in English:

  • Bajmócy Z. – Gébert J. (2014): Arguments for deliberative participation in local economic development. Acta Oeconomica, 64, 3, pp. 313-334.
  • Bajmócy Z. – Gébert J. (2014): The outlines of innovation policy in the capability approach. Technology in Society, 38, 1, pp. 93-102.
  • Bajmócy Z. – Málovics Gy. – Gébert J. (2014): On the informational basis of regional innovation policy: from growth to capabilities. European Planning Studies, 22, 7, pp. 1325-1341.
  • Bajmócy Z. (2013): Constucting a local innovation index: Methodological challenges versus staistical data availability. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. 6, 1, pp. 69-84.
  • Málovics Gy. – Mihók B. – Szentistványi I. – Balázs B. – Pataki Gy. (2012): Participatory Action Research for Local Human Rights: The Case of Roma Minority in Szeged, South-Hungary. In. Renn, O. – Reichel, A. – Bauer, J. (ed.): Civil Society for Sustainability: A Guidebook for Connecting Science and Society. Europäischer Hochschulverlag GmbH, Bremen, pp. 149-170.
  • Gébert J. – Málovics Gy. – Fáskerti Zs. (2012): The Limits of Well-being Measurement at Sub-regional Level. Regional Statistics, 52, 2, pp. 45-60.