Faculty of Economics and Business Administration  --  Institutes  --  Institute of Finance and International Economic Relations  --  World Economics and European Economic Integration

Iván Benet - Scientific Curriculum Vitae 2010


Publications - MTMT

Magyar önéletrajz


Family name: Benet
First name: Iván
Place and date of birth: Kiskunhalas, 04. 08. 1942
Nationality: Hungarian
Address: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Szeged, H-6722 Szeged, Kálvária sgt. 1.
Phone: 36-62-546903
e-mail: benet@econ.core.hu


Education and degree

  • 2003 University professor at Szeged University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Szeged
  • 1996 Habilitation at PANNON University of Agricultural Sciences ,Keszthely
  • 1971 PhD in economics /Hungarian Academy of Sciences/
  • 1967 University Doctor Karl Marx University of Economics
  • 1965 Graduation from Karl Marx University of Economics


Current and previous positions

  • 1983 Titular professor of PANNON University of Agricultural Sciences, Keszthely
  • 1990 Member of Faculty Council of PANNON University of Agricultural Sciences, Keszthely /More cycles/
  • 1997 University private professor, PANNON University of Agricultural Sciences, Keszthely
  • 1998-2001 Szechenyi Professor Fellowship, Keszthely
  • 2002 „Economist” Memorial Medal from West-Hungarian University Sopron-Mosonmagyarovar
  • 2003 University professor at Szeged University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Szeged
  • 2005 Titular professor of the West-Hungarian University, Sopron-Mosonmagyarovar
  • Sum up: Prof.Prof.Prof.Prof.Dr. habil Ivan BENET


Activity at the HAS

  • 1973 Award of Academy I. Benet-L. Goczan: Attempt to a New Land Evaluation
  • 1974 Award of Academy I. Benet: The food production and agriculture
  • 1974 Member of the Committee of Agricultural Economics of HAS
  • 1976 Award of Academy I. Benet-B. Pénzesne: Price and cost relations in the meat production
  • 1982 Member of Land Committee of HAS and Ministry of Food and Agriculture /1982-1988/
  • 1994 Elected member of 200 representatives of Body of Doctors of Sciences /1994-1997/
  • 1995 Elected member of Committee of Agricultural Economics of HAS /1995-2005/
  • 2001 Elected member of 200 representatives of Body of Doctors of Sciences /2001-2004/
  • 2005 Member of the International Scientific Body of the Institute of Agricultural and Rural Development of Polish Academy of Sciences. Warsaw.


Language skills

  • 1967 Russian language certification
  • 1968 German language certification
  • 1970 English language certification