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Szeged is the eighth best university city in Europe

University of Szeged

Szeged is among the 10 best university cities in Europe according to Condé Nast Traveler portal.

The Condé Nast Traveler magazine points out that Szeged, Hungary’s fourth-largest city, is also home to the country’s most prestigious university: the University of Szeged. Every July and August, the city’s central Dóm square is turned into a massive performance venue for the annual Open-Air Festival. The city is well regarded for its cuisine and the local paprika, so try specialties like the spicy, freshwater-fish stew Halászlé and the world-famous salami brand of Szeged: Pick. Hungary is known for its bath and sauna culture. A great way to experience this is by staying at the Hotel Forrás, where guests can visit the large adjacent spa complex.

On this list Oxford is ranked first, Heidelberg second and Krakow the third. Then follow Leuven, Montpellier and Salamanca. Uppsala is ranked seventh; the eighth is Szeged then St. Andrews and Bologna.

You cand find the 10 Best University Towns in Europe here.

