Faculty of Economics and Business Administration  --  Training Programmes  --  Programmes for International Students  --  Business Administration and Management BA Programme  --  Teaching staff

Business Administration and Management BA Programme

Teaching staff

BAJMÓCY ZoltánBAJMÓCY Zoltán associate professor, economist specialized in small- and medium-sized enterprise development. Academic degree: PhD (Economics). Teaching activity: Regional Innovation Policy, Local Economic Development, Innovation in Practice, Introduction to Local Economic Development, Local Economic Development. Time spent with teaching: 10 years.

DEÁK IstvánDEÁK István associate professor, economist. Academic degree: PhD (Economics). Teaching activity: Basics of Accounting, Financial Accounting, International Accounting, Basics of Consolidation, Accounting and Taxation of SME’s. Time spent with teaching: 17 years.

farkasFARKAS Beáta associate professor, lawyer, economist. Academic degree: CSc (Economics). Teaching activity: History of Economic Thought, Business Ethics, Comparative Economics, Cohesion Policy of the EU, Trends and Regions in Global Economy, International Political Economy, Globalization and Development. Time spent with teaching: 30 years.

HAJDÚ JózsefHAJDÚ József professor, MA in Law, lawyer specialized in Social Security Law. Academic degree: PhD in Law, academic title: dr. habil (Law). Teaching activity: Introduction to law, European Social Security Law (TRESS Project Seminar) EU Commission (Gent University, Gent, Belgium), Social Law in the EU, Social Security Coordination, Labour and social law, Labour law, International and European Labour Law, Social Security Law. Time spent with teaching: 22 years

HETESI ErzsébetHETESI Erzsébet associate professor, economist. Academic degree: PhD (Business and Management), academic title: dr. habil. Teaching activity: Marketing, Market Research, Economic Sociology, Service Marketing. Time spent with teaching: 32 years

IMREH SzabolcsIMREH Szabolcs associate professor, economist specialized in non-profit management, secondary school teacher of Mathematics. Academic degree: PhD (Economics). Teaching activity: Management, Small Business Management, Enterprise Development, Management of EU founded projects. Time spent with teaching: 12 years.

KOSZTOPULOSZ AndreászKOSZTOPULOSZ Andreász associate professor, economist specialized in finance and computer programming. Academic degree: PhD (Economics). Teaching activity: Corporate Finance, Financial Management, International Financial Management, Securities on Capital Markets, Financing Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Financial Calculations with Excel, Introduction to Finance. Time spent with teaching: 11 years.

KOVÁCS ÁrpádKOVÁCS Árpád professor, construction engineer specialized in transportation, organizing engineer. Academic degree: PhD (Economics), academic title: dr. habil (Economics). Teaching activity: Public Funds and their auditing, Budget Relations, Public Finance, Management. Time spent with teaching: 16 years.

KOVÁCS PéterKOVÁCS Péter associate professor, MSc in Mathematics, Math Teacher. Academic degree: PhD (Economics). Teaching activity: Statistics, Mathematical Statistics, Introduction to SPSS. Time spent with teaching in Higher Education: 12 years.

LENGYEL ImreLENGYEL Imre professor, MSc in Economics, MSc in Mathematics and Computer Sciences. Academic degree: CSc (Economics), academic title: dr. habil, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Teaching activity: Regional and Urban economics, Regional and Local economic Development, Methods of Social Research. Time spent with teaching in Higher Education: 18 years

RÉVÉSZ BalázsRÉVÉSZ Balázs associate professor, economist specialized in non-profit management. Academic degree: PhD (Business and Management). Teaching activity: Business marketing, Basic Marketing, Marketing of Small and Medium-sized enterprises, Marketing Communications, Consumption Theory, Integrated Marketing Communications, IT in marketing , Marketing Channels. Time spent with teaching: 12 years.

VILMÁNYI MártonVILMÁNYI Márton, associate professor, economist specialized in non-profit management. Academic degree: PhD, Business and Management, Teaching activity: Human resource management, Strategic management, Business planning, Business relationship management, Management of non-business institutions. Time spent with teaching: 13 years.

VOSZKA ÉvaVOSZKA Éva professor, MSc in Economics, MA in Sociology, academic degree: PhD (Economics). Academic title: Doctor of Sciences. Teaching activity: The state’s role in shaping conditions for competition, Privatization and competition, Chapters from economic policy, The new institutional structure of the Hungarian capitalism. Time spent with teaching: 38 years.
