Faculty of Economics and Business Administration  --  Training Programmes  --  Programmes for International Students  --  International Economy and Business Master Programme  --  Admission

International Economy and Business Master Programme

Admission process

Application deadline: May 31, 2015

Admission to the programme is on the basis of merit as determined by the scores obtained by the candidate in the admission exam. The entrance examination is an oral exam before an Entrance Exam Committee related to the topic chosen from the following two: 1) European integration, 2) The global economy.

The applicant chooses one of the given topics and prepares for the exam based on the compulsory reading material of that topic. The applicant may amplify his/her knowledge in the field through further reading. In the course of the oral exam, the Entrance Exam Committee asks questions related to the chosen topic.

Language of the entrance exam is English.


  1. European integration
    • Ten historic steps
    • Enlarging the EU and neighbourhood policies
    • The single market
    • The euro
    • Building on knowledge and innovation
    • The EU in the global economy

    Compulsory reading material:
    Fontaine, Pascal (2010): Europe in 12 Lessons. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg (http://bookshop.europa.eu/en/europe-in-12-lessons-pbNA3110652/)

  2. The global economy
    • Global economic and financial developments
    • Global interconnections
    • Low-income countries
    • Confronting the ongoing global crisis
    • Quota and governance reforms

    Compulsory reading material: IMF (2014): Annual Report 2013: Promoting a More Secure and Stable Global Economy. International Monetary Fund, Washington DC.) http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/ar/2013/eng/

    In Szeged, Hungary, entrance examinations are organized at any agreed time until 25 August 2015.
    Place: University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, H-6722 Kálvária sgt. 1 Szeged, Hungary

    Oral examinations may also be conducted via skype, at an agreed time until 25 August 2015.

    For application registration the following documents should be sent via email to Dr Ildikó Pusztai-Varga, International Relations Coordinator ildiko.pusztai.varga@eco.u-szeged.hu:

    • Filled and signed Application Form (requested via email)
    • Scanned copy of valid passport
    • Scanned copy of BA degree certificate
    • For further information, please, contact Dr Ildikó Pusztai-Varga, International Relations Coordinator: ildiko.pusztai.varga@eco.u-szeged.hu
