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Psychology of Money

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BA Course title: PSYCHOLOGY OF MONEY Credit: 5
Contact hours / week: 2
Course description:

Course topics:

  • The history and cultural anthropology of money.
  • Attitudes to money and its role in the family and everyday life.
  • Young people, socialization and money.
  • Money and mental health.
  • Money and motivation at work.
  • How far does money produce happiness?
  • The psychology of saving and investment.
  • The economic psychology of tax behaviour: tax compliance, avoidance and evasion.
  • Behavioural finance: heuristics, biases, overconfidence and emotional foundations in financial decision making.


The aim of the course is to provide students with a comprehensive insight into what psychologists, economic psychologists and behavioural economists think about the topic of money, as well as to facilitate their awareness on how money affects different aspects of life.


Furnham, A. – Argyle, M. (1998): The Psychology of Money. Routledge, London. (Available online at books.google.com) ISBN 0-415-14606-2

Ackert, L. – Deaves, R. (2010): Behavioral Finance. Psychology, Decision-Making and Markets. South-Western Cengage Learning. ISBN 0-324-66117-7

Scitovsky, T.: The Joyless Economy: Thy Psychology of Human Satisfaction. Oxford University Press. 1976, 1992. ISBN 10: 0195073479 / 0-19-507347-9; ISBN 13: 9780195073478
