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European Business Environment

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Contact hours / week: 2
Course description:

Course topics:

The course discusses the most current topics of the European Union and the European economy and business life in general. It is believed that the diversity of the Member States of the EU is deeply rooted in the different cultural backgrounds and heritage of European nations, therefore cultural aspects are intensively studied and discussed during the semester.

Current issues regarding economic integration and economic policy coordination, and EU competition policy, and also recent cases in the field of regulation of firms and state aids are discussed.

Regarding European business life, recent mergers and acquisitions, developments in the financial services markets, TNCs in the EU, the cultural background of the EU Member States and other interesting aspects, perhaps personal experience related to Hofstede’s research and findings are also studied.

Aims (competencies):

The course has the prior aim to provide students with analytical skills essential for high-level employment in the rapidly changing European business world. As such, it has the following objectives:

  • To develop a framework for strategic planning in a European context.
  • To acquaint students with technological, economic and social factors affecting strategic issues in the wider European business environment.
  • To acquaint students with strategic issues of the CEE (Central Eastern European) region.
  • To equip students with verbal and written skills increasingly expected by employers.
  • Focus on economic and managerial trends in the EU.
  • Economic analysis of EU Member States.
  • Change management and the impact of mergers and acquisitions on strategic planning.

Essential reading:

European Commission, Eurostat (2009): European business: facts and figures. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-92-79-12407-5

Recommended readings:

Harris, N. (1999): European business. MacMillan, London. ISBN-10: 0333754077 – ISBN-13: 978-0333754078

European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (2005): The business case for diversity: good practice in the workplace. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg. ISBN 92-79-00239-2

Hofstede, G. (2001): Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions and Organizations Across Nations. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks – London – New Delhi. ISBN-10: 0803973241 – ISBN-13: 978-0803973244
