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Competitiveness in the EU

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MA Course title: COMPETITIVENESS IN THE EU Credit: 5
Contact hours / week: 2
Course description:

Course topics:

  • The concept of competitiveness: firms, countries, regional integrations.
  • Drivers of competitiveness, competitive strategies.
  • The role of human capital and technology in competitiveness.
  • The role of institutions in competitiveness.
  • Measuring competitiveness.
  • The European integration process and its role in European competitiveness.
  • Effects of the latest financial and economic crisis on the European economy. Crisis exit strategies, recovery, resilience, fragility.
  • The EU’s challenges I: unemployment, youth unemployment, threat of jobless growth.
  • The EUs challenges II: economic and monetary union – an unfinished construct.
  • The EU’s challenges III: the internal competitiveness gap.
  • Convergence vs. divergence. Core & periphery.
  • vNeed for a 'competitiveness union'.

Aims (competencies):

Aim of the course is to give an insight into the unquestionable achievements of European integration, threatened by the imperfectness of the unfinished construct, especially within the monetary union. By accomplishing the course, students are expected to understand why there is no long-term competitiveness of the EU (or its member states) without EU-level solidarity manifesting in EU-level transfer schemes, further developed economic policy coordination, and strategies fostering EU-wide cooperation.


Essential reading:

Pelle, A. (2014): Varieties of Competition in Europe – What Implications for the EU Internal Market? (manuscript, publication forthcoming)

Recommended readings:

De Grauwe, P. (ed.) (2010): Dimensions of Competitiveness. CESifo Seminar Series. Cambridge: The MIT Press.

WEF (2014): The Europe 2020 Competitiveness Report: Building a More Competitive Europe. Geneva: World Economic Forum.

WEF (2014): Enhancing Europe’s Competitiveness – Fostering Innovation-driven Entrepreneurship in Europe. Geneva: World Economic Forum.
