The cooperation between the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Szeged and the Department of Economics and Management, University of Pavia not only increases the quality of education, but also enhances the competitiveness of the students and that of the university in both institutions.
The Letter of Intent was signed on 4th April, 2014. The agreement offers the possibility for the students of both universities to study in the partner institution for 10 months in course of their MA studies, and finish their studies with a double degree. This opportunity is available for those Hungarian students who participate in the International Economics and Management Master Programme at the University of Szeged.
According to Antonio Majocchi, Vice-Dean of the University of Pavia, this double degree programme enables the students to get better chances not only in the Hungarian or Italian, but also in the global labour market. The system of the coordinative programme was elaborated by the lecturers of the two universities. Majocchi considers it important for students to study one year in Szeged and another in Pavia, while they may get to know the economics, culture and lifestyle of both countries.
Márton Vilmányi, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Szeged, appreciates the agreement in two respects. - On the one hand, the collaboration creates value for the students, as they have the opportunity to get experiences in Italy. On the other hand, students who hold a double degree are more competitive in the European labour market. The Faculty of Economics, in Szeged - continued Márton Vilmányi - has an extensive international network of contacts, with more than sixty partner institutions in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme. The Faculty would like to increase the number of similar agreements with other European partner universities.